Virtual View
D - Finished Product's Warehouse
F - Factory I (Manufacture of Polyurethanes)
K - Factory IV (Manufacture of Pigmented Products)
C - Sales Department - Applications Laboratory - Quality
B - Administration - Laboratory
A - Raw Materials Warehouse
M - Resins Laboratory
L - Factory V (Manufacture of Polyesters)
E - Packaging Unit
I - Factory II (Manufacture of Polyurethanes)
H - Factory VII (Manufacture of Water-Based Products)
G - Factory VI (Manufacture of Dyes)
N - Resin Production Plant
J - Factory III (Manufacture of Water-Based Products)
- A - Raw Materials Warehouse
- B - Administration - Laboratory
- C - Sales Department - Applications Laboratory - Quality
- D - Finished Product's Warehouse
- E - Packaging Unit
- F - Factory I (Manufacture of Polyurethanes)
- G - Factory VI (Manufacture of Dyes)
- H - Factory VII (Manufacture of Water-Based Products)
- I - Factory II (Manufacture of Polyurethanes)
- J - Factory III (Manufacture of Water-Based Products)
- K - Factory IV (Manufacture of Pigmented Products)
- L - Factory V (Manufacture of Polyesters)
- M - Resins Laboratory
- N - Resin Production Plant